Monday, December 12, 2011

Thankgiving Contest Winner!

So finally! Got my act together and picked the winner! out of a hat no less! 

So, Virgina, go head and message me and I'll get things going on your doll, and sorry again for the delay everyone. I truly apologize from the bottom of my heart.
     As soon as my husband's restaurant ,Tasty's, opens I think I'll be able to resume my regular Peach Vintage daydreams and design work. After a year of planning and months of work on the building, I think we will be opening for business very soon and some kind of normalcy will resume in the Southwell House, as our schedules become set again, instead of the last minute "I need your help today's" I've lived with the last few weeks. (and please don't take that as a complaint, I have loved every minute I spent helping my husband achieve this dream of his, but it has taken away a lot of the time I would usually spend on Peach Vintage, so it is what it is.)      

1 comment:

  1. Cool beans, we are excited. Elizabeth already has a super duper mermaid, so surprise us with a Super Awesome Friend! Thanks, Virginia
