Currently this little bear is taking up all my time. But hey I am the mother hen in this story! See his chipped tooth this has caused me no small measure of grief. He's just turned two! That tooth is gonna be there for a while. He's wild I tell you! Daring and independent and smarter than I could ever imagine. When it starts to come over him and he's trying to figure something out (or how to get around what I've told him to do) he gets the same wrinkled brow concentrated look as Justin, tongue out between his lips. When his plans are defeated by mom,dad, papas, or grandmas he hangs his chin to his chest and walks away with duck lips. he's been giving us temper tantrums lately. Enter chipped tooth here, he threw him self face down onto our wood floors and caught his tooth. He's done it on his back ever since, this is how I know he's a drama king faker making everyone miserable so he can try to get his way. He also likes to say ouch all day long for kisses on various body parts, his feet are a favorite for some reason.
We are also working hard with the potty training at the moment, and I managed to get him weened right after his birthday. He was pretty easy this last try, he asked a few times but didn't ever go into complete melt down when I told him no, which had been our problem in the past when i would try to ween and why he was still nursing up until 2. Anyway, for me 2 was old enough to get of the tit. I know I have friends who nurse well past two and this really is awesome, but for me it has always been painful and I was never able to produce enough milk alone but, I knew it was the best thing I could do for my son, so I supplemented and continued to nurse until he was two in spite of that. Now, he's 2, I'm Done and that's all.
As to Potty Training, According to bear you must be naked at all time's if you are gonna be a big boy and use the potty consistently, so if you happen to be in my little corner of the world and happen to see a small naked chick streak past, because he's a runner when you try to dress him. Well he probably belongs to this poor peach of a mother hen. So, Forgive me, he's wild.
My Favorite Bear Words Right Now
Yewhow: yellow ; he talks about "yewhow" all day and thinks everything should be yellow. he's about 50% or less with recognition on his other colors, but yellow he can pick out any day of the week so i think we have a winner on favorite color :)
Caarrs: this means several things but he points and shows you which one he means.
Cars or any motorized vehicle in general, indicated by cars driving by, vehicles on the televison, or toy cars in hand.
Colors, he tells me "caarrs peas!" meaning "mother i would like to color my coloring book please" and i promptly give a yea or nae with the delivery of said coloring book.
Tigers, lions and other big cats. I don't know how he decided tigers and lions should be called caarrs, i just know he does every time he see's them, and then growls.
I did it! : this is a phrase not a word but he does say it a lot. anytime he accomplishes something he finds important, like going in the potty, or building high block towers, or coloring a picture, anyway you get the point. I here it a lot.
POo and Waur: this would be pool and water. we bought him a $10.00 big boy pool he loves it and we're the most awesome parents ever.
Tumon!: Come on! i hear this mostly whilst my kid pulls me along where ever it is he wishes to travel.
I comng!: he learned this one from me, because he calls for me right in the middle of something and it takes a minute to get over to see what he wants, i say " i'm coming, just a sec." So now I call him and he continues doing what ever and says "i comng"
nunch: lunch
nack: snack
eww yucky: poopy diapers, boogers, sticky hands..........................
tickens: chickens
Babit: bunny and rabbit but together
ca papa: "call papa!" heard anytime there is a phone near by.
i could sit here all day cause he's got a million of them, but i'll end it here. on to the next!
casual shoes I've decide to rock with all my awesomeness. they are rocket dog.
now for a small intermission of prettiness from this little hens chicken run.

Currently I'm still working on Little Indian Head Dresses, I've got 2 left for embroidery for this batch and my goal for tonight is to have at least 4 sewn up and ready for site pictures in the morning. On top of that I have orders for potholders and pet mats to fill, arms full of vintage pretties to prep for the online shop, and a craft show in September to get ready for. I did a little something for shrimp fest this past weekend and it sucked big hairy one but it taught me a lot about my target market and what not to do. I just about broke even and had interest but bad timing in my placement at the festival, plus I was not prepared but then i really didn't know how to prepare correctly. Don't worry I've got my big girl panties on and I'm not giving up, more like stepping up and working on my game plan. Defiantly need to work on stock, so if any of you crafty friends and family want to help me out here and there work on stock and get some of my crafty knowledge laid on you between now and September, let me know i have plenty of work, more than i have hands. And keep in mind those that visit our coupe never leave empty handed. The bounty is always good at Casa De Peach.

The super cute ,Peachy Pirate Hat, I designed for the shrimp fest, modeled by none other than my little bear. My favorites are the smoke and navy, because I'm just that kind of girl, but the fuchsia ones are pretty darn cute, too.
I redid my listing pictures for "The Super Awesome Friends". I think they came out way cute! I love my white board I made twice as much now. I've got a super cute idea for Little Indian head dresses, and it's making me extra anxious to get them ready. Which reminds me that I need to get back to work while the boy is napping.
So, thats my little run down on the current happenings of this peach of a mother hen and her brooding and nesting habits.What do you guys think? I'd love to hear your comments!